Thursday, September 5, 2024

Mary Ann Bowen Creer Funeral Services


IN REMEMBRANCE: Funeral Services for Mary Ann Bowen Creer

She was born in Spanish Fork in a home. The home in which she was born was located on the lot where the Rees School now stands. She attended the following schools: the little white school where the Thurber school stands, the Bell school on 5th East and Center, the Dalley School on 4th North and Main, Ideal, Central, BY Academy and University.

For five years she taught school in the public schools; one year in Santaquin and four years in Spanish Fork.

After her marriage, Morris and Mary rented rooms in the Lew Banks home and then in the John Morgan home before living in their own home in Leland where Morris farmed. On April 24, 1914, they moved to idaho where they lived until the autumn of 1945. Mollie built her own new home and moved into it in 1949, next to Brother and Sister David and Hasel Brown.

She carries a beautiful spirit of love, interest and optimism wherever she goes.

''Well I do remember when my mother taught me how to pray. My brother, David, was a young baby. He was very ill. Mother and Aunt Elisabeth were in the bedroom caring for him. He had a convulsion. Mother told me to tell Grandpa Bowen to come and administer to him. I did so, but he told me to go and get Mr. Robert McKell, Aunt Hasel's grandfather, to come and help him, because he had the power of healing. I did so, and he and grandpa administered to David and before they finished he was out of the convulsion and asleep and he too recovered and never had another. This incident made a lasting impression on me and taught me the great value of prayer.”

She talked about how hard she tried to get into college, how difficult it was. She talked about how anxious she was to go but she was afraid that her father wouldn't have the money to send her. She says she got work in Mapleton picking fruit. ''Sometimes one of my brothers would take me on a horse up there on Monday morning. Often the canyon wind was very cold early in the morning. Sometimes I walked home which was about four miles. I earned enough money to buy my clothes and some of my books. Father paid my tuition, for some of my books, the $1.00 rent on the room which was my share. Kate Wilkins and Hannah Christensen and I lived together.''

''The dress I wore when I started college only cost about fifty cents. My mother and Aunt Elizabeth made it from a calico which cost three yards for twenty-five cents. It was trimmed with white lace-''

On her courtship: ''Our happy courtship culminated in a wonderful marriage in the Salt Lake Temple, 6 June 1906. It was the most joyous experience of my life. Our wedding reception was a quiet one, my wonderful parents prepared a delicious turkey dinner for both families and a few intimate friends.''

She went to BYU for 2 years and one summer school. ''I started to teach school in Santaquin at the age of eighteen. I went back and forth on the train. The station operator must have thought I was a little girl, because he only sold me a half fare ticket.'' She had worn her hair in two braids up to this time, but then she rolled them up into what she called a bob, hoping that this might make her look a little older.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Elizabeth Roach 1828-1885

George Gary Creer Paternal Great Great Grandmother

Elizabeth Roach was born June 21, 1828 at Llanelly, Carmarthen, South Wales. She was the daughter of John Roach and Elizabeth Evans Roach. She married William Christmas on December 14, 1847 in Llanelly, Carmarthen, South Wales. To this marriage six children were born – two boys and four girls.

In the year 1868 or 1869, Elizabeth Roach Christmas joined the Mormon Church in Llanelly, Wales. Her father, John Roach and brother, Walter, joined the Church a few years before and came to Utah, later coming to Spanish Fork. They were so happy and glad they had made the change. Walter went back to Llanelly, Wales as a missionary and converted Elizabeth and her husband to join the Mormon Church, sell out, and come to America. He explained that America was a big country and a land of opportunity while Wales was such a small country without much chance to grow, and mining was the main industry.

Now Elizabeth and her family were happy they and joined the Church and were very anxious to come to Utah as soon as they could. They owned four homes, were quite well-to-do, comfortably fixed, and her husband had a good job, but Elizabeth wanted to raise her family in Utah and was willing to make the change. They sold everything they owned, except a few things which were the most dear to Elizabeth, and on June 1, 1869, she, with her husband and little family of five children, left their native land which they loved so much, never to return again. It was a very difficult thing to do but they thought it would be worth the sacrifice.

The Christmas family sailed on Guion and Company’s steamship “Minnesota” with 338 other Saints, under the direction of Elias Morris. This ship was very old – almost worn out and they had so much trouble with it. The ocean was very rough. Elizabeth was not a very strong woman and was very ill all the way over. She often told her friends she thought she would never live to see land again. But she did, and when they could all see land almost everyone aboard cried tears of joy for they were so tired and so happy to see land. They were met in New York by some of their Welsh friends who were so happy to see folks from their homeland. They did everything they could to make them happy, and to make them feel they had done the right thing by coming to this great country.

They did not stay long in New York, but came on to Utah with the first company of Saints who came all the way from Missouri River by rail. They arrived in Ogden, Utah on Friday, June 25, 1869. Here at the station was Elizabeth’s brother to meet them. It was a very happy reunion. Walter had a wagon and a team of good horses so they started for Spanish Fork with all their belongings, arriving there on June 29, 1869, and went to live at Walter Roach’s home until they could get a home of their own.

It was a hard change to make – coming to a new country with only a few Welsh people who were very poor. You could not buy food if you had all kinds of money. The Christmas’ had money, but there was nothing to buy. The people were just starting to break up the land and make ditches to get the water on the land. They did not know much about doing this as it was a new undertaking for most of the people. It was hard times for Elizabeth and her family for a few years, but times changed. The children got work for they were all good workers; the father got a job he could do in the Tintic District, and they were soon fixed up comfortably.

Elizabeth was a good, kind wife and mother, and a very good housekeeper. She was a quiet, reserved woman, and everyone who knew her, loved her. She was good to everyone. Her friends said of her that she did not have an enemy for she always saw the good and fine things in people. Elizabeth was very glad she had the chance to come to Utah to raise her family and felt that the Lord had blessed her more than she could tell.

Elizabeth Roach Christmas died from pneumonia on August 26, 1885 at the age of 57 years and was buried in the Spanish Fork City Cemetery.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

John Evans Bowen History


                                    Biography of My Father, John Evans Bowen  (1855-1942)

By John Evans Bowen, Jr.

George Gary Creer's Great Grandfather


            For the last several years my sister Mollie and brother David have insisted that I, the oldest son, John Evans Bowen, Jr., am the logical one to write a sketch of father’s life.  Being the prince of procrastinations I felt time was running out for me, and so by force of will I begin this task.

            Father was born at Minersville, PA, July 12, 1855.  He was the fifth child and the third son of David and Jane Foster Bowen

            In order to get a proper and true setting and picture of his life and background, we shall have to cross the Atlantic Ocean and get a glimpse of an industrial city of Llanelly, South Wales.  It was here that his parents spent the first years of their married life.  The Bowen family is one of the oldest of the city of Llanelly and has played an important part in its industrial development.

            While serving as a missionary in the British Mission from 1910 to 1912, it was my privilege to have visited Llanelly and made the acquaintance of a number of descendents of grandfather Bowen’s parents.  I learned that William Bowen, my father’s grandfather was an expert blacksmith and mechanical engineer.  His son John, after whom my father was named, was an outstanding engineer and inventor.  He was a consulting engineer and traveled considerably throughout Great Britain.  He and his father William did the engineering and blacksmith work for the shipping docks at Llanelly, as well as the engineering and overseeing of the construction of the Copper Works and The Old Castle Tin Plate Company.  These were the most important factories of the town when I was there.  Llanelly was then a city of about 30,000 people.

            The Bowen family was of good sturdy Welsh stock, respected and honored in the community.

            Jane Foster Bowen, mother of my father, was born at Dowlas, South Wales but later moved to Llanelly and was married to David Bowen in 1844. She was also of Welsh blood, and was a very charming, modest, refined and sympathetic personality.  To those who knew her best she was the embodiment of those virtues that constitute true womanhood.

            David and Jane Foster Bowen became converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and patiently endured the jeers and ridicule of those who joined the unpopular faith at that time.  Although they were in comfortable financial circumstances, they decided to leave their native land and migrate to America and thence to Utah.

            They sailed form Liverpool, England in April of 1855.  During this voyage an incident happened that detained them from going directly to Utah.  It seemed a great misfortune at the time but turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  While at the docks at Liverpool, Grandfather Bowen lost the bag containing all his money.  So on landing in America he was without money to continue westward with the rest of the Saints.  He was, therefore, compelled to seek work.  Being a skillful blacksmith he was soon engaged to make chains and sharpen tools for a coal mining company at Minersville, Pennsylvania.

It was while living here that father (John Evans Bowen); their first American child was born.  Had it not been for the incident of losing their money, the family would have gone directly to Utah.  Had they done so they would have arrived there during the summer of the severe war against the crickets that caused so much suffering and sacrifice among the Saints.

            During the summer of 1856 father’s parents made arrangements to go west with the Saints.  They were well equipped with a four-ox team and wagon.  The gathering place was Iowa City, Iowa, the railroad terminus at that time.  They were under the leadership of Captain Dan Jones as far as Newton, Iowa.  From there they were led by John Hunt.  They began the long journey across the plains a few days after a handcart company led by Captain Martin had started westward.  Their progress could have been fairly good had they not been purposely held back of the handcart company in order to encourage them and to render aid in case it was necessary.

            The approach of winter brought with it the usual vicissitudes and hardships, especially for their livestock.  The grass was snowed under, and it was necessary to cut down trees as provender to keep their oxen alive.  As winter progressed, however their stock became poorer and weaker.  It as not long before the four-ox team was reduced to one surviving ox.  Another man of the company, John Lewis, also had one surviving ox from a six-ox team.  The two surviving oxen were hitched together on Brother Lewis’ wagon and the two families traveled on to Fort Bridger.  All of grandfather’s supplies and wagon, with the exception of bedding and personal affects were left at a place called Devil’s Gate. The families were met by better-equipped outfits sent out from Fort Supply and Salt Lake Valley by President Brigham Young.  Their weak, worn out cattle were left at the Fort and the families were brought to Salt Lake City by the new outfits.

            Later on grandfather and family moved to Spanish Fork, which place became their permanent home.  Grandfather followed his trade, but also acquired land in several areas surrounding Spanish Fork.  It was quite natural that father should become interested in farming and livestock raising.  That schooling he had was received in the public school system available at that time in the community.

            As a young man he was required to aid his father in the blacksmith shop and became somewhat proficient in many phases of that trade.  He learned to weld, to sharpen and point plow shears, to make and fit horseshoes.  In fact, I’ve been told he used to shoe most of the racehorses of the area for a period of time.  He made clevises, chains and the metal parts for the traces on harnesses.  He learned to set tires.  He could build hayracks, beet dump racks, and do all the necessary repair jobs of ordinary farm machinery.

            He was what might be called a “handy man”.  He was handy with carpenter tools, and built such needed buildings as cow sheds, horse stables, chicken coops, blacksmith shop and garage.  Physically he was very agile and excelled in some of the games and sports of the day, such as baseball, standing broad jump, running broad jump, a game called “form and raiser”, and the common “catch as catch can” wrestling.

            Father married Mary Ann Christmas at Spanish Fork on September 15, 1879.

From this union were born eleven children, five girls and six boys.  The girls all lived to maturity.  They were Jane, Mary Ann (Mollie), Eleanor, Rosetta and Grace.  All except Rosetta were married and reared families. Mary Ann (Mollie) and Eleanor are the only ones surviving today.

            Of the boys, John E., Jr. and David B., and George Foster are still living.  Willie, who was next to me in age met with a tragic death by being run over with a wagon on the way to the west field in company with a hired man.  This was a blow to mother that seemed to sadden her throughout her life.

            My earliest recollections of my father were connected with life in a small light colored brick house that stood on the northwest corner of the lot where Sister Mollie and brother David now live in Spanish Fork.  This house belonged to my grandfather Christmas.  His wife had died and grandfather lived with our family, or perhaps it would be more correct to say we lived with grandfather.  I have a feeling of nostalgia when I recall the luscious fruit that was grown on that lot.  There were apricots, sweet bow apples, Early Harvest apples, winter pear main apples, large damsel plumb, and plenty of grapes in season.

            As the family grew father and mother found it quite urgent and necessary to have a larger home and plans were made to build the house my sister Eleanor now lives in.  In this project father exhibited his ability as a handy man. I recall he built a rack that was handy on which to haul rock for the foundation of the new home.  The rocks were hauled form the mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon along the side of the canyon road.  With a sledgehammer and crowbar father hued the rock form the quarry, loaded them alone, and hauled them to the area where the house was to be built.  I frequently accompanied them on these trips.

            Father was a hard worker, industrious, patient, and always had a job for me to do. He tried to teach his children thrift early in their lives.  There were children in our neighborhood, who seemed to have no particular chores or jobs to do after school hours, and they got into the bad habit of congregating and playing cards, and some of them began using tobacco.  This was very repulsive to mother and father.  To direct my attention away from this environment father made a deal with me.  He promised that if I would come home after school and help haul manure, and other jobs that needed to be done, he would give Eleanor and myself the returns from an acre of sugar beets.  This was an incentive to be industrious.  He had previously promised that if I would save half the price of a calf he would contribute the other half and I could buy a calf.  This I did by thinning beets for an old gentleman, by the name of “Dad” Gay.  I thinned fourteen rows of beets somewhere over in the Leland area and earned $1.40.  I had to wait till fall when Mr. Gay received his beet check.  When he paid me I begged my sister Jane to sell me a calf for $2.80.  From this meager start I acquired a few cattle that helped keep me in spending money when I was in high school and college.  When I got married and moved to Carey, Idaho, in 1915, I sent Father $500 in February of 1916, and asked him to buy calves with it.  This he did and with the cattle I already owned at Spanish Fork added to those he bought; he brought me thirty-seven head of cattle.  These added to those I got when I bought the ranch set me up with about 100 head of range cattle.

            Father was a lover of good livestock, especially horses, and during this active life he owned some very good draft horses.  In fact, he was at one time in partnership with his brother, Uncle Bill, in the purebred Percheron horse business.  They imported stallions direct from France.  These horses cost considerable money for those days.  They proved to be too costly and did not pay off financially.  I recall one outstanding individual named “DeVose” that father admired very much.  Father used to care for him and groomed him for the Utah State Fair.  He was a blue ribbon winner many times.  Father also at times exhibited at State Fairs samples of chains, clevises, hammers, etc., for which he won prizes.

            I cannot refrain from relating an incident that showed the prowess of “Dad”, as I always called him.  It happened when we had moved to the new home.  It was not completely finished and the room that was to be the parlor was used as a sort of storeroom.  One-day mother had finished churning the butter with the old-fashioned dasher churn.  After taking out the butter, buttermilk, and was washing the churn she said to me, “Johnny, take the churn in the other room.”  Not paying much attention to what was said, I took a chair near by in the other room.  Mother said, “You stupid boy, I said the churn.” I remonstrated, “You said the chair.”  This went on about twice more when father spoke up in a voice positive and declarative, “She said the churn.”  By now I was near the door ready to run, but before doing so with down right Welsh Juvenile stubbornness I finally said, “She said the chair!” and dashed out the door.  Before I reached the middle of the road toward Oliver Swenson’s house Dad had me by the collar and gave me a couple of good lashes across the buttocks with a razor strap and convinced me that mother must have said churn.

            By nature father was quiet and reserved.  He was not a show-off nor was he bombastic.  Yet he had a sense of humor and was good natured and friendly.  He was devoted to mother and his family and was anxious that they live right and succeed in life.  He did his best to give his children the advantages of an education.

            He was interested in good government and was a “dyed in the wool” Democrat.  During the fall of 1893 father was elected as a city councilman and served for two years.  During this period the city pavilion was built.  It served the city for many years as an auditorium for public gatherings as well as a public dance hall.

            Father took considerable interest in the management of the West Field Irrigation Company.  On February 5, 1902, he was elected a director of the Board and served for four consecutive years.  He was then elected as vice president and served in that position for twelve consecutive years.  The records, as shown by the minutes of this period, indicate that he was very much interested in improving the company’s system of distributing water equitably by installing adequate measuring devices and proper head gates.  He favored penalizing any person who took water out of turn thus depriving someone else of his rightful use of water.  He showed a spirit of cooperation in helping to bring water from Strawberry valley into the Utah Valley. In 1903 he was appointed to work with the state engineer to supervise construction of their gates in company ditches.  Records show he spent eleven days at this work and received $2.50 per day for his services.

            Father enjoyed good health.  He told me when he was in his seventies that he never had been in bed with sickness till he was taken ill with the shingles.  This disease was a very painful and weakening experience for him.

            Although Father was never very active in the church, he was always interested in seeing and encouraging his children to adhere to the program of the church.  At heart he was religious and saw the value of the basic principles of Christianity.

            He passed away at the age of eighty-seven on March 24, 1942 at Spanish Fork, Utah and was buried in the Spanish Fork Cemetery.


Notes by Jeneve Creer Gailbraith March 1979:


At this time all Grandfather’s children are dead except Uncle John.  I will list the children and their birth dates and death dates of those I have available at this time.  All the children were born in Spanish Fork, Utah.



Sex      Name                                       Birth date                    Death date


F          Elizabeth Jane                         9 Feb 1881                  2 May 1938

F          Mary Ann (Mollie)                18 Nov 1882               22 Oct 1973

F          Eleanor                                    22 Sept 1884               4 Dec 1967

M        John Evans                              23 Mar 1887

M        William Christmas                  3 Dec 1889                  10 May 1894

M        David Byron                           31 Jan 1893                 21 Oct 1975

M        George Foster                         25 Dec 1894                9 Sept 1970

F          Joyce Rosetta                          5 Dec 1896                  7 Feb 1928

M        Dewey                                     5 Nov 1898                 24 Dec 1898

F          Grace                                       5 Nov 1900                 28 Dec 1938

M        Milton                                     13 Oct 1903                13 Oct 1903






Friday, August 23, 2024

David Bowen Documents

David Bowen Marriage Record

David Bowen Gravestone


Jane Foster Bowen Documents

Jane Foster Baptism Record

Jane Foster Marriage Record

Jane Foster Gravestone


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Rosamond Watson Nuttall

Rosamond Watson Nuttall 1829-1916
George Gary Creer's Great Great Grandmother
Rosamond Watson was born 23 June 1829 in Lime Street, Liverpool, Lancashire, England. Her parents were George Watson and Mary Dyson. When Rosamond met William Nuttall and wanted to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, her parents told her that she would have to renounce her new religion or leave home. She chose to leave and lived with her married sister, Caroline, until her marriage.
Rosamond was baptized 14 January 1851 and she and William were married 4 August 1851 in the Church of St. John the Baptist in Liverpool. Because their families were very hostile toward their new religion, William, Rosamond, his parents and two unmarried brothers left Liverpool 6 March 1852 on the ship “Rockaway” with the Elias Morris company of LDS converts to come to Utah.
This group of converts was known as the Sugar company, because on the same ship came the sugar refining machinery which John Taylor had purchased for the church in Europe. The voyage took eight weeks, during which time, in April 1852, Rosamond lost a baby, which was buried at sea.
Arriving in New Orleans about April 24, the company of approximately 30 saints was met by Elder John Taylor and the machinery was loaded on smaller boats for the trip to St. Louis and then on to Ft. Leavenworth. At Ft. Leavenworth many more Saints joined the group and it became the longest wagon train to cross the plains up to that time.
The journey was made doubly difficult, not only because of the heavy and cumbersome equipment, but the weather was very severe. The company encountered the first storm at the Sweetwater. The snow was two feet deep and the temperature extremely cold. Cattle were lost, and because supplies ran low, some had to be eaten. Later, in Wyoming, the pioneers were met by Joseph Horne and then at Fort Bridger by Abraham O. Smoot, each bringing supplies. At Bear River, more storms forced them to leave the heaviest wagons to be brought to Salt Lake the next spring. When they reached the Timpanogos River (later named the Provo River), the Nuttals camped for the winter next to the precious sugar-making machinery to guard it. It was here, in a wagon bed, surrounded by about four inches of snow, Rosamond gave birth to William George Nuttall on 4 March 1853. Later in the year the machinery was taken to what later became Sugar House, and William Ephraim and his family remained in Provo where he worked as a carpenter, blacksmith and farmer.
After living in Provo for a time, William was called as bishop of the Third Ward and was asked by church authorities to accept and live the law of plural marriage. On 16 March 1861 he married Martha Fenn. She and Rosamond got along very well. Martha never had children of her own, but she helped care for and was dearly loved by Rosamond’s children. She was a guiding influence among the children in Wallsburg, where she taught Sunday school and Primary for many years.
William was still bishop in 1866 when the family decided to move to Wallsburg to make their permanent home. William bought a farm of 60 acres near the center of Wallsburg. About 1870 he acquired a sawmill near Strawberry Peak, which provided employment for his family and many of his neighbors. Lumber from this mill was hauled to Wasatch County and to Springville. William built a road from the peak down the left-hand fork of Hobble Creek where it joined a road built by the farmers living in the canyon. Around 1880 he had an accident, which nearly cost him a hand, after which he turned over the responsibilities of the mill to his son William George. On 15 July1877, Wasatch County was organized as a stake and William Ephraim was called as the first bishop of the Wallsburg Ward.
William E. served as postmaster for many years in Wallsburg. He was also the town doctor and dentist. He was known as a kind and generous man who was hard working and became fairly well to do. Others enjoyed pieces of furniture he made for them and his grandchildren adored him for his stories, his rope tricks and the toys he made. William died 5 May, 1899 in Wallsburg. Rosamond died 22 October 1916 in Ogden, Utah.
Children: Infant b. April 1852 buried at sea
William George Nuttall b. 4 March 1853 Provo, Utah, Utah
John Horatio Nuttal b. 14 December 1854 Provo, Utah, Utah  
Joseph Brigham Nuttall b. 9 October 1856 Provo, Utah, Utah  
Richard James Nuttall b. 19 September 1858 Provo, Utah, Utah  
Mary Eleanor Nuttall b. 22 September 1860 Provo, Utah, Utah
Walter Henry Nuttall b. 5 July 1862 Provo, Utah, Utah  
Martha Agnes Nutall b. 8 September 1863 Provo, Utah, Utah 
 Rosamond Emily Nuttall b. 7 March 1865 Heber, Wasatch, Utah  
Ruth Caroline Nuttall b. 6 November 1866 Heber, Wasatch, Utah  
David Watson Nuttall b. 14 May 1869 Provo, Utah , Utah
Elizabeth Ann Nuttall b. 1 February 1871 Wallsburg, Wasatch, Utah 
Laura Alice Nuttall b. 29 June 1873 Wallsburg, Wasatch, Utah
Sources: How Beautiful Upon the Mountains Wallsburg Biographies pp 972-973

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mary Elizabeth White Herron

Mary Elizabeth White Herron
George Gary Creer's Great Grandmother

Mary Elizabeth White Herron and her sisters